so why not make it the best it can be?

the relationship you have with yourself is everything. It's the foundation for every other relationship in your life...

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This journal is your guide to discovering your true self and building a strong, unshakeable sense of confidence. By setting aside intentional time each day to connect with yourself, you'll start to see a profound shift in the way you show up in the world.

And that's exactly what the "Unshakeable Confidence Journal: Discovering Your Authentic Self"
is all about.

I believe that true confidence comes from knowing yourself, believing in yourself, and taking action on your beliefs.

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— Tracey

I love this because it's a unique take on confidence that I don't see in the industry. Most people deliver fluff, but this is tangible, which I love. Teila makes it so easy.

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TEila is so unique in her approach!

— Chalise

This journal is incredible for self discovery. The journal questions make you think about things that you wouldn’t otherwise and definitely get the wheels turning for a great journal entry. I highly recommend this journal and know it will foster growth and confidence! Highly recommend!

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Such a powerful journal!

Not only is this journal beautiful, but it’s so thought-provoking! Walking through this journal has opened my eyes to all of the things I have been neglecting or didn’t even know about myself. It walks you through core values, loving yourself, growth, goals, challenges, happiness, habits, body love, affirmations… you name it! I’m honestly blown away. Everyone needs this journal!


I’m FLOORED by this journal!

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Isn't it time you made an investment in the most significant relationship you'll ever have – the one with yourself?